Innovation & Aman Group
Creative works undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications have always proved to be beneficial for the organization’s future growth. Research and development on issues concerning development of particular ways & means for achieving the production targets & marketing are frequently carried out as corporate activity in the present days. Aman Group is not an exception in this regard. Due to diversified industries under the Group R&D activities of the concerns & departments requiring undertaking the activities have been separately dealt with to address the issues more closely in the stations they are situated. With the introduction of works on ’tissue culture’ of potato for finding HYV seed which can sustain adverse & sometimes unpredictable weather condition the Group at the first instance established a ’tissue culture laboratory’ at Rajshahi. Equipped with up to date scientific apparatus & equipment’s a group of scientists on relevant fields have engaged themselves in evolving HYV seeds of potatoes, paddy, banana and also orchids. HYV seeds of potato have been released in the name & style ‘Aman seeds’ for commercial production by the farmers and further experiments are going on for finding out issues relating to the problems that are referred from the fields for solution. It is expected that few more HYV of cereals will be released in the near future.
In the field of poultry feed the Group has a laboratory within the campus of Aman Feed Mill. This one is also equipped with modern scientific apparatus & equipment’s and is engaged in the experiments of developing recipes of feed for poultry, fish & cattle which shall not only be available at a more affordable price compared to other shareholders in the market but also be economic in terms FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio). Again R&D in the field of marketing of feed is also going on simultaneously. In the recent days the increase of share in the marketing of feed by Aman Feed stands as a proof of the success of the R&D of the concern. Very recently the Group has entered in to the field of hatchery. This sector requires thorough research & experiments in all spheres of activity to ensure better to best supply of living bodies -the chicks.
At the same time Market Development & Research works has been undertaken by engaging local & foreign experts in this field. So the positive joint results of R&D works by qualified zoologist’s marketers shall be available in the field within a reasonable time. In the Textile Sector the Group has engaged Quality Assurance people to continuously look in to the improvement of product’s quality. The need for persistent research and development in a competitive garments market of the world can hardly be exaggerated. As such Laboratories in all the textile units have been established and quipped with latest apparatus & equipment’s with knowledgeable personnel to carry out the jobs of bringing changes with change in fashion, tastes and market demand with upholding the quality of the products.