
In olden times dating back to late sixties of the last century during the erstwhile Pakistan period the ancestors of the present Directors of the Group started trading & contractual business on a small scale at their native district Rajshahi situated at the northern part of Bangladesh. After the emergence of Bangladesh the businesses flourished a little under the banner of Aman Trading Corporation. But it was in the late 1980s that the businesses in trading through importing various consumer items and their marketing started witnessing a steady growth in the business. At some point in the mid 1980s the Group think tank felt that mere trading business and earning wealth through that activity may bring prosperity to individuals of the family only. But as a well placed family in the society the social obligation to the poor rural mass for doing something for their economic upliftment was pricking their conscience. This greatly influenced to think about ventures where investment can generate employment for the rural mass whatever may be the size of generated employment. At the first instance some agro-based industries were thought of. This led to establishment of cold storages in the northern Bangladesh. This further continued with the establishment of a cement grinding industry. At the advent of 21st century formation of a Group with the trading houses, contractual firms working individually under the banner of Aman Trading Corporation & few industries like cold storages & one cement-grinding mill with a corporate character was completed. With the sharp changes in the socio-economic situation of the country the Group vowed to tap the prevailing scopes for establishment of industries. At the same time Group realized that in order to expedite the works of establishment of medium and large-scale industries, availing the facilities offered by the Government and for easier correspondences with the agencies of theirs as well as to avail quick banking facilities the shifting of the Corporate Office from Rajshahi to capital city Dhaka was unavoidable. The Group therefore decided to participate in the process of industrialization in the places wherefrom marketing, transportation would be easier, generation of income & employment will be evident and in doing so shall pay taxes to the Government. With this end in view the Group in the year 2004 housed a miniature Registered Office in Motijheel Commercial Area leaving behind a strong Regional Office at Rajshahi to look after the existing industries activities there. In the year 2007′ the Group housed its Corporate Office at Uttara Model Town for controlling the entire activities of the business & industrial units including the Registered at Motijheel & the Regional Office at Dhaka.


“To be a leader in fulfilling Country’s basic needs through industrialization with total quality”


“Our mission is to establish labor intensive industries blending the latest technologies upholding ownership by the employees along with conservation of environment with precise commitment to the society and contribute substantially to GDP through sustainable growth”

Aman Group is a newly emerged conglomerate of industry and trading in horizon of Bangladesh. Since its inception it has engaged itself in executing social and philanthropic activities as a part of its social obligation to the society. These are:

CSR Activities


The Group has dormitories in many of its establishments. The prominent are in the RMG, Cement, Feed and Poultry & Hatchery Industry. In all the dormitories are foods provided at subsidized price with free accommodation.


Group at the Corporate level has instituted one Training & Organizational Development Department for imparting training and grooming the new recruits as well as to improvise the expertise of the old employees to cope with the changing demands of the business & industries. The Group has also established a small training center in the RMG unit & recruitments of trainees are made directly. After successful training they placed in various sections of the RMG unit.


In case of accidents either inside or outside the mill-factories the Group extends medical assistance. In case of accidental or sudden death Group assist the family of the deceased with preference of employment for suitable family member.


Group provides donation for the meritorious students of the worker-staff families for admission in higher classes.


In order to implement programs related to social causes with more dedication, the Group has established Aman Foundation. The aims of the foundation shall be to establish a residential university for the pupils from poor families with financial assistance for making them self sufficient through economic activities with health care facilities at nominal cost.